Friday, October 28, 2016

Pretty Brainless

Osiris and Hel play chess  Osiris: Prepare to be humbled  Hel: Really, now  Hey, Anubis  Anubis: Yes  Hel: You're the one who mummified Osiris, right  Anubis: That's right  Hel: Didn't the Egyptians usually take out mummys' brains  Anubis: Sure did  Hel: So does that apply to Osiris  Anubis: Yep  Removed it myself:  Osiris: For the record, I don't actually need it  Hel: Checkmate
To be fair, I don't know for sure if Osiris really had his brain removed.  But given that Anubis does, on record, still have most of Osiris' innards in his possession, it's good guess.

On a related note, I just discovered that the beastie that Anubis is supposed to be was recently confirmed to be not a subspecies of golden jackal, but a separate species closer related to wolves, which is now called the African golden wolf (though I doubt the Ancient Egyptians knew the difference).  Funnily enough, it looks less wolf-like than actual jackals. 

This is the final Deities of Death comic for the year, so Osiris, Hel, and Anubis bid you all farewell for now and a happy Halloween!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Slow Day

The Grim Reaper, Sedna, Hel, Osiris, and Thanatos, clearly bored, doze on the couch and watch TV: and now we gently whisk in the batter while adding in  Loudspeaker: A man trying to steal live wires during a thunderstorm is now ready for pickup  The Death Deities rush the door: He's mine  Move it, people  Out of my way  I've got it

Overlapping mythologies = job redundancy = occasional work shortage = boredom = desperation.  Therefore, overlapping mythologies = desperation.  Or something. 

Today's competitors are Grim, Sedna, Hel, Osiris, and Thanatos.  Maybe they'll learn to share. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Been There, Punished That

The First Time  Servant: Lord Hades, there's a mortal who cheated death  Hades: What  How dare he mock me  I am lord and master of the Underworld, and there will be retribution  The 834th time  Servant: Lord Hades, there's a mortal who cheated death  Hades plays Candy Land with Persephone and Cerberus: Don't interrupt me  I'm on a winning streak

Priorities often shift over time, frequently as a result of increased maturity.  Whether or not this qualifies is up for debate.

Today's Deity of Death comic features Hades, Persephone, and Cerberus. And before anyone asks, yes, I updated the look of Hades' helmet.  While the old design was derived from certain Ancient Greek helmet styles, it was still just something I threw together when I first drew him.  This new one is a combination of the old design and the Greco-Illyrian style helmet, which hopefully looks more appropriate for his King-of-the-Underworldness. 

Friday, October 7, 2016


Woman walks past cemetary  A grave cracks open and a vampire bursts out: Ha-ha  The grave cannot hold me  Tonight I feast on the blood of the living  The Grim Reaper appears and swings his scythe, claim the vampire's soul  Ghost: Come on  Really  Grim: I'm getting a little sick of these guys  Woman: Um my hero

October has arrived once again, and that can mean only one...  okay, it can mean quite a lot of things, but on this particular site it usually means the Deities of Death are back, which they are.  Yays!

Today's comic stars none other than the Grim Reaper, who has put up with one too many undead entities.