Friday, October 28, 2016

Pretty Brainless

Osiris and Hel play chess  Osiris: Prepare to be humbled  Hel: Really, now  Hey, Anubis  Anubis: Yes  Hel: You're the one who mummified Osiris, right  Anubis: That's right  Hel: Didn't the Egyptians usually take out mummys' brains  Anubis: Sure did  Hel: So does that apply to Osiris  Anubis: Yep  Removed it myself:  Osiris: For the record, I don't actually need it  Hel: Checkmate
To be fair, I don't know for sure if Osiris really had his brain removed.  But given that Anubis does, on record, still have most of Osiris' innards in his possession, it's good guess.

On a related note, I just discovered that the beastie that Anubis is supposed to be was recently confirmed to be not a subspecies of golden jackal, but a separate species closer related to wolves, which is now called the African golden wolf (though I doubt the Ancient Egyptians knew the difference).  Funnily enough, it looks less wolf-like than actual jackals. 

This is the final Deities of Death comic for the year, so Osiris, Hel, and Anubis bid you all farewell for now and a happy Halloween!

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