Friday, October 14, 2016

Been There, Punished That

The First Time  Servant: Lord Hades, there's a mortal who cheated death  Hades: What  How dare he mock me  I am lord and master of the Underworld, and there will be retribution  The 834th time  Servant: Lord Hades, there's a mortal who cheated death  Hades plays Candy Land with Persephone and Cerberus: Don't interrupt me  I'm on a winning streak

Priorities often shift over time, frequently as a result of increased maturity.  Whether or not this qualifies is up for debate.

Today's Deity of Death comic features Hades, Persephone, and Cerberus. And before anyone asks, yes, I updated the look of Hades' helmet.  While the old design was derived from certain Ancient Greek helmet styles, it was still just something I threw together when I first drew him.  This new one is a combination of the old design and the Greco-Illyrian style helmet, which hopefully looks more appropriate for his King-of-the-Underworldness. 

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