Friday, March 24, 2017

Goat Logic

Can I Eat It  A Goat's Guide  Can it fit in my mouth  No, Headbutt it  Yes, Is it vaguely vegetable in origin  No, Step on it  Yes, eat it  Doubtful, Taste it anyway
Contrary to popular belief, goats will not eat everything.  Sample anything that fits in their mouths?  Sure. (They really like sampling my hair)  And yes, they'll eat the label off a tin can.  But actually eat the tin can itself?  Not unless the goat in question is spectacularly insane (which I admittedly wouldn't put past certain goats, but my point still stands). 
Now my late dog, on the other hand, had a list of things-she-tried-to-eat far more extensive than any goat I've ever met.  Wood.  Pine needles.  Wax.  Clay.  My little pony.  Garbanzo beans.  Chocolate candy, wrappers and all.  How she lived as long as she did may forever remain a mystery. 

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