Saturday, April 1, 2017

Question and An-Sir

King Arthur: I'd like to introduce you to your fellow knights  This is Sir Real, surreal, Sir Face, surface, Sir Cumspect, circumspect, Sir Round, surround, Sir Lee, surly, Sir Cadian, circadian, Sir Amic, ceramic, Sir Cus, circus, Sir Tain, certain, Sir Tify, certify, Sir Berus, Cerberus, Sir Vice, service, Sir Pent, serpent, Sir Mon, sermon, Sir Charge, surcharge, Sir Fer, surfer, Sir Jury, surgery, Sir Mise, sermise, Sir Pass, surpass, Sir Mount, surmount, Sir Plus, surplus, Sir Prise, surprise, Sir Render, surrender, Sir Vey, survey, and Sir Vive, survive  Everyone, this is my nephew, Sir Gawain  Sir Cus: I don't get it  Sir Tain: Shh
By my count, this comic contains a total of twenty-five puns, not counting the title.  I regret nothing.  Probably because I'm sleep-deprived.  But my point still stands.  You can regret them as much as you like, but that's your problem. 

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