Friday, April 28, 2017

Pets vs Boyfriend: My Human's Keeper

Bugs the cat and Karma the dog watch from the balcony  Bugs: What's the status of the new boyfriend  Karma: Questionable taste in deodorant, and had to have accounting defined for him  Bugs: He is not worthy  Bugs launches at the boyfriend's face, to Charlotte's horror  Bugs is locked in a cat carrier  Karma: Well, you may be grounded for the forseeable future, but I don't think he's coming back  Bugs: I have nine lives to give for my human, and it's worth every one of them

To win a girl, you have to go through her father.  If her father is not available, you have to go through her siblings.  If siblings are not available, you have to go through her roommates.  And in the absence of the above, her pets will take up the mantle. 
And pets don't follow the Geneva Convention.

Of course, then there's the possibility of having to face up against all four groups at the same time, in which case it's probably better for everyone involved if you just leave the state while you still have all your limbs. 

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