Friday, April 28, 2017

Pets vs Boyfriend: My Human's Keeper

Bugs the cat and Karma the dog watch from the balcony  Bugs: What's the status of the new boyfriend  Karma: Questionable taste in deodorant, and had to have accounting defined for him  Bugs: He is not worthy  Bugs launches at the boyfriend's face, to Charlotte's horror  Bugs is locked in a cat carrier  Karma: Well, you may be grounded for the forseeable future, but I don't think he's coming back  Bugs: I have nine lives to give for my human, and it's worth every one of them

To win a girl, you have to go through her father.  If her father is not available, you have to go through her siblings.  If siblings are not available, you have to go through her roommates.  And in the absence of the above, her pets will take up the mantle. 
And pets don't follow the Geneva Convention.

Of course, then there's the possibility of having to face up against all four groups at the same time, in which case it's probably better for everyone involved if you just leave the state while you still have all your limbs. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

High School Lesson #5294

Even if she gave you a bad grade on your last test, rescuing the teacher who got sucked into cyberspace is the polite thing to do  Students gather around a computer, with teacher inside  Do you think we can copy and paste her like a file  Don't you dare try

And you might even get extra credit in your computer class! 
Unless, of course, the situation involves your computer lab teacher in the first place, in which case trying to help might just seal your doom. 

Friday, April 14, 2017

In the Bag

Anni Seed: What's going on  Andrew: Uncle Reg got a new couch and gave me his old one, but I have to get it up the stairs  Anni holds up her bag: Ah  Allow me  She shoves the whole couch into the bag  Crash  Anni looks inside: Don't worry  That was just those ugly old pots your aunt gave me  Andrew: Let me guess  You also have the kitchen sink in there  Anni: No, but there's a bathroom sink  And a pinball machine  When did I get that

Perks of being a cartoon character include being able to actually have the bottomless bag that everyone and their dog wants. 

Friday, April 7, 2017

One Fang, One Horn

Girl looks at computer: Huh  It says here that the narwhal's horn is actually a single long canine tooth  Wait, you're saying it's a giant fang  Narwhal unicorn Vampire of the Sea

All the mystique associated with narwhals doesn't change the fact that their name literally means "corpse whale." 
Also, because the horn is a tooth (specifically, the left tooth), it's always on the left side instead of being centered.  Though there are occasionally narwhals with two horns (or tusks), so they're more symmetrical. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Question and An-Sir

King Arthur: I'd like to introduce you to your fellow knights  This is Sir Real, surreal, Sir Face, surface, Sir Cumspect, circumspect, Sir Round, surround, Sir Lee, surly, Sir Cadian, circadian, Sir Amic, ceramic, Sir Cus, circus, Sir Tain, certain, Sir Tify, certify, Sir Berus, Cerberus, Sir Vice, service, Sir Pent, serpent, Sir Mon, sermon, Sir Charge, surcharge, Sir Fer, surfer, Sir Jury, surgery, Sir Mise, sermise, Sir Pass, surpass, Sir Mount, surmount, Sir Plus, surplus, Sir Prise, surprise, Sir Render, surrender, Sir Vey, survey, and Sir Vive, survive  Everyone, this is my nephew, Sir Gawain  Sir Cus: I don't get it  Sir Tain: Shh
By my count, this comic contains a total of twenty-five puns, not counting the title.  I regret nothing.  Probably because I'm sleep-deprived.  But my point still stands.  You can regret them as much as you like, but that's your problem.