Friday, June 2, 2017

It'll Buffy Out

Park Ranger: Chief, I've got an idea on how to increase tourism here  Chief: We have tourists  Ranger: Just listen  I thought some kind of mascot would help the park's image  Chief: And we really don't need a mascot  Ranger: Please  Just have a look before you make any decisions  Chief: Okay, okay, fine  Let's see it  Drawing of a female buffalo (bison variety) and vampires, captioned Buffy-lo the Vampire Slayer  Chief: Throw him in the coyote pit  The ranger is dragged away  But I just got my shoes back from them

You can thank my family for this one.  I'm not the only one around here who makes bad puns. 

Now, you might be wondering if park rangers actually have access to a coyote pit.  The truth is, I don't really know, but have been assuming so unless informed otherwise.  So any rangers out there, speak now or forever hold your peace. 


Huh.  I guess they really do have coyote pits.  Good to know.  Moving on!

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