Friday, August 11, 2017

Mystical Creatures

Goats watch a human girl Erin walk by  Tiy: What's that on her shirt  Selket: A picture of a unicorn  It's a magical hooved creature with a single horn  Hatshepsut: Don't we have one of those  The one-horned goat has her head through the fence  Sekhmet: Okay I've confirmed this brown stuff is still not grass  And my head's stuck again  Tiy: I'm not sure insanity counts as magic  Sekhmet: Should I start bleating incessantly

Years ago, my family owned a goat with an extremely questionable level of intellect.  Her name was Sekhmet, but we forever remember her as Braindead, the goat who would keep getting her head stuck in the fence where there was absolutely no grass to eat on the other side.  Do I have proof of this?  Yes.

Needless to say, we made sure she didn't reproduce. 
Thankfully, most of our other goats at the time were considerably smarter, which include (as pictured) Tiy (the cream, horned one), Hatshepsut (the small brown-and-white one), and my favorite, Selket (the black one).  And yes, we gave them all ancient Egyptian names.  Because it was cool and we could.

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