Saturday, September 9, 2017

There's a Cult at the Bottom of the Stairs

Steve and Mel talk on their phones  Mark descends into the basement  Mel: Doomsday cultists  In your basement  Steve: Er, yeah  Cultists: Dies irae  Steve: The manager says they're usually quiet  Doesn't know why they're suddenly all riled up again  Cultists: Dies illa  Mel: I'm surprised he lets them stay  Steve: Oh, he tried to get rid of them years ago  The local Catholics, Wiccans, and police teamed up to drive them out, but even that didn't work  So he padlocked their apartment, and no one's come or gone since then  Cultists: Solvet saeclum in favilla  Dylan: And now they're coming for our ears  Parker: Dylan, we've been over this already  Cultists: Teste David  Mel: So, uh, what do they eat  Steve: Not a clue  Cultists: Cum Sibylla
So there's a group of deranged people locked in the basement, trying to bring about the end of the world as we know it via long-forbidden magic ceremonies.  Meh.  It still only contributes a small percentage to the total amount of stressors faced at college.  Now the waiting line for the Testing Center.  That's a problem. 

Note:  Due to a (mostly) unrelated set of stressors, I fell irreparably behind on this week's comic, and finally decided that getting sleep was more important than doing the coloring.  I'll do it eventually, once I wake up sometime tomorrow.  Or next year.  In the meantime, I decided to try doing a basic grayscale so viewers wouldn't have to sort through the lineart. 

EDIT:  Color content is now at 100% capacity.  Ish. 

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