Friday, December 28, 2018

Polar Opposition

Explorer 1: Think we'll see any penguins?  Explorer 2: That joke stopped being funny weeks ago.  You know darn well that there aren't any penguins at the North... Pole...  A crowd of penguins walk past.  The two exchange shocked expressions.  Santa: Pete...  Black Pete (choking back laughter): ...I'll put myself on the "naughty list" in the morning.

One more Christmas comic for the year, courtesy of Black Pete. 
To be fair, I know several people who'd also do this if given the chance, which may or may not include myself. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

Pressing Needs

Dear Santa:  Do you really deliver presents to every house in the world?  -Gretchen  Santa writes: No.  Some houses have more pressing needs...  Santa Claus and a couple of  elves work on cleaning out someone's fridge.  Elf: Ugh.  I guess this is pea soup, or something.  Santa: It used to be lasagna.

It doesn't have to be in a package to be a gift. 
But seriously, don't intentionally leave expired food for Santa to clean up.  That's just pushing it, and can put both your health and your place on the "Nice List" at risk. 

Friday, December 14, 2018


Sister: What are you watching?  Brother: The Fill-in-the-Blank that Saved Christmas.  Sis: No need to be snarky.  Bro: Seriously, that's the title. (hands her a TV guide)  See for yourself.  The sister pauses as she reads through the description.  Sis: I'll make popcorn.  Bro: Hurry.  The cyborg sasquatch are about to kidnap Santa again.

In movieland, Santa (who apparently equals Christmas) has had to be rescued so many times that it's a wonder he's still alive, or at least doesn't have better insurance. 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Deck the Everything

An older woman's visiting friend notices the amount of Christmas decorations she has.  Friend: You really went all-out this year.  Woman: My grandkids insisted we needed to put up all the decorations.  Friend: I'm impressed they got them all up.  Woman: They didn't.  Grandchildren (running in with a box): Grandma!  We found another box!

Essentially what happened last year when one of my Grandpas accidentally unleashed my sisters upon his house.  Not even the refrigerator was spared. 

Yeah, okay.  So I contributed.  Do you blame me?

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Holly's Hallelujah

Back in my university music history classes, we once talked about hockets, and the thought of someone named "Holly Hocket" amused me.  I designed a character to go with the name, along with a few friends with similarly-themed names.  Later, a Christmas story evolved from this.  And thus I give you:
Cover art for Holly's Hallelujah

I'll be adding a page a day to this post until Christmas Eve, so make sure to check back!  It can also be read on DeviantArt, where pages are spread out but include additional footnotes should you enjoy backstory.  I've also written music to go with it (as you can guess from the cover, music is important to the story), which is available on Bandcamp.  So read, enjoy, and have a merry Christmas!