Saturday, December 1, 2018

Holly's Hallelujah

Back in my university music history classes, we once talked about hockets, and the thought of someone named "Holly Hocket" amused me.  I designed a character to go with the name, along with a few friends with similarly-themed names.  Later, a Christmas story evolved from this.  And thus I give you:
Cover art for Holly's Hallelujah

I'll be adding a page a day to this post until Christmas Eve, so make sure to check back!  It can also be read on DeviantArt, where pages are spread out but include additional footnotes should you enjoy backstory.  I've also written music to go with it (as you can guess from the cover, music is important to the story), which is available on Bandcamp.  So read, enjoy, and have a merry Christmas!

Initial shot of a snow-covered cathedral.  Inside is Holly, desperately trying (and failing) to play "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" on her trumpet.
Despondently, Holly wanders over to one of the stained-glass windows and looks through a clear section of glass.  Outside, people are cheerfully preparing for Christmas.  Narration: Tomorrow is Christmas.  And tonight...
She goes back to practicing, without much improvement.  Father Polyphon enters, though she doesn't notice at first.  Father Polyphon: I wondered if you'd be here.  Holly: Huh?  Oh.  Father Polyphon.  I didn't see you come in.  Father Polyphon: How long have you been practicing?  Holly: I, uh, I dunno.  I got here just after eight this morning.  Father Polyphon (raising an eyebrow): It's a quarter to one.  Holly: ...oh.  My lips were feeling kind of numb...
Father Polyphon: Miss Hocket, you're making yourself crazy.  I need you to go home, get some lunch, and take a break.  Holly: But I have to get this song right!  Father Polyphon: And you won't be able to if you strain yourself.  Holly: The service is tonight, and I still keep making mistakes!  Father Polyphon: I'm not concerned with perfection, and at this point you shouldn't be either.  Holly: But-  Father Polyphon: Break.  Now.  Holly (slowly nodding): Yes, Sir.  Father Polyphon: I'll see you tonight.
Holly puts on her cloak and exits the building.  As she walks, she a group joyfully singing Christmas carols, and stops to listen.  Carolers:  On a hillside in Judea, Shepherds watching flocks by night...
Carolers: Saw the heavens fill with angels, Singing praises of delight.  Hallelujah, hallelujah!  Christ is holy, hallelujah!  Holly absent-mindedly fingers her trumpet in time to the song, and sighs.  Chamomile (off-screen): Holly!
Chamomile runs up to meet her.  Holly: Oh, hi Chamomile.  Chamomile: What have you...  You've been practicing all morning, haven't you?  Holly: How did you know?  Chamomile: You've got a pink ring around your lips, for starters.  Holly (instinctively covering her mouth): Mmph.
Chamomile: Are you heading home?  Holly: Yeah... Father Polyphon told me I needed lunch.  Chamomile: I've got just the thing!  Come on!  Chamomile pulls Holly by the arm to her uncle's diner.  Inside is brightly lit, with a Christmas tree and several customers.
A group by the fireplace are singing a Christmas ditty while Rosehip twirls around.  Rosehip notices them coming in.  Rosehip: You found her!  Holly: What brings you here?  Rosehip: My sisters are doing some last-minute preparations, so they kicked me out of the house.  What about you?  Chamomile: She was doing too much last-minute preparation, so Father Polyphon kicked her out of the chapel.
Chamomile: Aunt Saffron?  Saffron: Yes?  Chamomile (nodding to Holly): This girl needs some lunch.  Saffron: Coming right up!  Holly: You really don't-  Saffron: You have a Christmas birthday.  We'll spoil you as much as we want.  Chamomile: I'll go make some tea for you two.  Chamomile sits Holly down at a table and runs off, while Rosehip sits beside her.  Saffron brings Holly a bowl of potato-cheese soup and a roll.  Holly (quietly): Thank you.  Chamomile comes back with a pair of tea cups and sets them in front of her friends.  Chamomile: Orange spice for Rosehip, and gingerbread for Holly.
Rosehip (taking a sip): Mmm!  Is this a new blend?  Chamomile: Yeah, I keep tweaking the recipe.  My family says I have a problem.  Holly (smirking between bites): Not a bad problem to have.  The elderly Conductus brothers come up behind them.  Coreopsis: There she is!  Cornel: Honestly, it was only a matter of time before Father Polyphon asked her to perform.  Chamomile: Can I help you two?  Cornel: Sorry to disturb you.  We just wanted to wish Holly luck.  Coreopsis: Not that she'll need it.  I still think she was born with that trumpet!  The two laugh, pat Holly on the shoulder, and walk back over to the fireplace.
Holly looks down in distress, and Chamomile and Rosehip exchange worried glances.  Later in the evening, back at home, Holly curls up in a blanket by the record player, reading a Christmas story book.  Her brother, Hoya, approaches.  Hoya: It's getting late.  You'll need to head over soon.  Holly: ...yeah.  I know...  Hoya: Still worried, huh?
Hoya: ...By the way, Mom and Dad need you in the kitchen.  Holly hesitates, then stands and follows him to where their parents are waiting.  Hosta and Campanula: Surprise!  Happy Birthday!  They hold up a new dress reminiscent of her usual one, but more flowing and mostly white.  Holly: I... thank you!  Hosta: We thought you needed something extra-special for tonight.  Campanula: Why don't you go try it on?
Holly returns, wearing the dress.  Hoya: Looks good!  Campanula: Do you like it?  Holly: I love it!  Thank you.  Her parents smile.  Hosta: We love you, Holly.  And we're very proud of you.  Holly: ...What if I can't play right?  Campanula: We care more about the effort you put into this.  Hoya: Just remember to breathe, okay?  Holly: I play the trumpet.  If I don't breathe, I'll pass out.  Hoya: Precisely!
Their parents smile and do a group hug.  Hosta: You better get going.  We'll see you soon.  Holly nods and heads over to the cathedral.  Almost everyone else is still indoors getting ready, but strings of Christmas lights on the houses are starting to turn on.
She enters the cathedral where members of the choir are arriving, and Oregano and Orchid are getting set up on the organ.  Father Polyphon is overseeing things, and notices Holly coming in.
Father Polyphon: Good evening!  Are you feeling any better?  Holly: I guess a little.  ...Do you ever worry about messing up in front of everyone?  Father Polyphon: All the time.  Holly looks up in surprise.  Father Polyphon: Don't be so surprised.  He gestures to the rest of the performers.  Not a person here hasn't had that worry.  Shots of worried choirists and one of Oregano comforting a clearly nervous Orchid.
Holly: So how do you deal with it?  Father Polyphon points up to a carving of Christ rising in glory above the cross.  Father Polyphon: By remembering whom I'm doing it for.  Holly: Right.  No pressure.
Father Polyphon: Holly, Christ has already paid for every mistake you could possibly make, and He still loves you perfectly.  As long as you try your best, He'll accept it as a gift.  Holly smiles a little.  Father Polyphon: Besides, if I catch anyone criticizing your performance, they will find themselves volunteered for the Easter service.  Holly laughs.  The organists begin to play the prelude, and the congregation begins to gather.
Holly, standing off to the side, sees her family and waves to them.  Then her friends arrive and come up to meet her.  Rosehip: Nice dress!  Holly: Thanks.  Aren't you two sitting with your families?  Chamomile: We will.  We just wanted to bring you some early birthday presents.  Chamomile thrusts a thermos into Holly's hands.  Holly tentatively opens it.  Holly: Tea?  Chamomile: Custom-made!  It's mostly ginger and mint, but I put in some chamomile and rose hips so you'd always have us with you.  Holly: Aww!  Thank you.
She takes a sip.  Holly: This is really good.  Chamomile produces a box of tea bags.  Chamomile: I'm glad, because I made you a supply.  Holly smiles and accepts it.  Rosehip: And here's mine. She pulls a sparkling headpiece out of her bag, and puts it on Holly's head.  Rosehip: There.  Now you're a Christmas angel!  Holly smiles and gathers them into a hug.
They wave her off as they go back to join their families.  The service starts, with Father Polyphon reading segments of the Christmas story accompanied by music from the choir and organists.  He reaches the part where the Angel of the Lord tells the shepherds of the good news.  From Luke 2:  And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed... And Joseph also went up from Galilee... unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.  And... the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.  And she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger...  And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.  And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them: and they were sore afraid.  And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be unto all people.
Holly readies her trumpet and steps up.  From Luke 2:  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.  Narration: And that's who I'm playing for.  She takes a deep breath and begins playing a fanfare of "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing."  It starts as a solo, but then she's joined by the organists, then the choir, and finally the congregation.  Singing: Joyful, all ye nations, rise.  Join the triumph of the skies.  With th' Angelic Hosts proclaim, "Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
Narration: I'm not alone.  And somehow, a wrong note becomes a trill, and a weak note becomes a crescendo.  I couldn't have planned it, but with God, nothing is impossible.  And isn't that what it's all about?  Singing: Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King!"

Merry Christmas!


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