Friday, January 25, 2019

Invasive Species

A guy buying a ski lift pass notices a sign reading, "Warning:  Losing your snowboard down the hill risks the safety of both you and others."  Guy:  What's with that?  Desk attendant:  Well-  Worker:  Snowboards are an invasive species.  If they escape into the wild, they'll multiply and wreck the ecosystem irreparably.  Cut to an image of wildlife fleeing a pack of snowboards.  The guy and attendant exchange glances. Both:  Sure.  We'll go with that.

Mankind has unleashed many terrible things upon the world.  Coal ash contamination.  Riced cauliflower.  The 1970s.  But the threat of feral snowboard packs surpasses all of that.  
So do your part.  Monitor your snowboard's activity, and report any wild snowboard sightings to the authorities immediately.  

Thank you. 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Optimistically Honest

A Mom bursts into her daughter's bedroom, singing, "Good morning!  It's a stormy day, the sky is cloudy, the wind is howling, and you're going to be miserable waiting for the bus!"  The kid looks appropriately distressed.

Parents generally only say the first two words, but kids still hear the other twenty-two. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Ice Scream

Girl: Mom!  An ice monster is trying to eat our house!  Mother: The icicles are just sliding off the roof.  They do look a little like teeth, though.  Outside, a giant wendigo really is eating the house, its teeth hanging over the windows.

It occurs to me that this may be the most horrifying thing I've posted on here, other than that incident from figure drawing class.  But to be fair, there's a wendigo here.  Vampires and zombies have nothing on giant, cannibalistic, winter monsters. 
The good news is that they're not invincible.  Experts agree that they can be countered with heat, sunshine, and Beach Boys music. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Vital Fluids

A vampire chomps directly on a maple tree.  He mumbles to a confused bystander, "Don't judge me."

I know it's a little early for harvesting maple sap (or at least according to what I've read, since I don't live in Vermont), but I couldn't resist.  Though I have to wonder, if this makes sap "tree blood," does it also make blood "people sap?"
I won't go any further with this tangent, as I'm certain it won't lead anywhere in good taste (pun not exactly intended).