Friday, May 31, 2019

The Most Important Lesson

A teacher asks students, "What did you get out of this class?"  Answers start out all inspirational, like, "the Meaning of Life," and "a sense of responsibility," devolve into more average ones like, "a passing grade," and finish up with, "Your login credentials."

I hear that teachers often learn more than their students.  Not sure if this is one of those times or not.
Though maybe we should be more concerned over how the teacher hasn't caught onto the fact that not a single student has indicated what the class is actually on.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Red Rider

Wolf:  Out alone in the woods, are we?  Little Red:  Ooh!  A wolf!  See, Grandma made me this riding cape-  Wolf:  Huh?  Red:  -but we don't have horses or anything else I can ride, and it always seemed like such a pity-  Wolf:  What?  Red:  -but you're just the right size, and you can keep me safe from scary things in the forest!  Wolf:  Now hold up-!  Cut to Red riding the wolf up to her grandmother's house.  Her grandma is working in her flower garden, and looks up in confusion.  Red:  Hi, Grandma!  Mom and I baked you some cookies!  Wolf (muttering under his breath):  "Stay with the pack," the Alpha said.  "Leave little kids alone," the Alpha said.  But did I listen?  Noo-ooo!  Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb...

Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go! 
My wolf knows the way, and he better pray this doesn't stay status quo.

    Friday, May 17, 2019


    An owner pulling her dog by the leash is paralleled with a lady pulling her boyfriend by the tie.

    I don't know for sure, but I strongly suspect that modern men's formalwear was invented by a woman.

      Friday, May 10, 2019


      Doc 1:  Dang it!  The vampires broke in again!  Doc 2:  Maybe now would be a good time to test out my invention.  Doc 1:  Your invention?  Doc 2:  I made a mixture of stuff that's toxic to vampires - you know, garlic, hawthorn, wild rose, holy water...  Doc 1:  Yeah?  Doc 2:  I got it to look similar to real blood, so we can fill an IV pack with it and use it as a countermeasure.  Doc 1:  Wait a minute...  Doc 2:  I mean, I know doctors are supposed to do no harm, but...  Doc 1:  Hold it.  Are you saying you invented a poison IV?  Doc 2:  Erm...  Doc 1:  Is all this just so you could make a bad pun?  Doc 2:  That's not entirely true!

      Wars are won and lost in the name of a good pun.

      And yes, vampires being allergic to roses really is a thing.  I bet that could lead to a lot of interesting promotional sales at florist shops. 

      Friday, May 3, 2019

      Frankenstein's Comic

      What should I draw this week?  Erin flips through her list of comics ideas, and notices three in a row that strangely seems to flow together.  She slams them together into "Disco camouflage rabbit in a habit thinks WD-40 is a tax form."

      So I keep a list of all the ideas I come up with for future comics in a text document, and sometimes weird things happen.  I actually noticed this coincidence a while ago, but had to wait until I was too tired to veto this as a stupid idea.