Friday, May 24, 2019

Red Rider

Wolf:  Out alone in the woods, are we?  Little Red:  Ooh!  A wolf!  See, Grandma made me this riding cape-  Wolf:  Huh?  Red:  -but we don't have horses or anything else I can ride, and it always seemed like such a pity-  Wolf:  What?  Red:  -but you're just the right size, and you can keep me safe from scary things in the forest!  Wolf:  Now hold up-!  Cut to Red riding the wolf up to her grandmother's house.  Her grandma is working in her flower garden, and looks up in confusion.  Red:  Hi, Grandma!  Mom and I baked you some cookies!  Wolf (muttering under his breath):  "Stay with the pack," the Alpha said.  "Leave little kids alone," the Alpha said.  But did I listen?  Noo-ooo!  Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb...

Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go! 
My wolf knows the way, and he better pray this doesn't stay status quo.

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