Friday, September 20, 2019

Waxwork Like Clockwork

girl 1 (flipping through TV channels):  Dance in the Wax Museum.  Could be good.  girl 2:  I'll pass.  I don't like horror movies.  1:  You know this one?  2:  Never heard of it.  1:  Then how do you know its a horror movie?  2:  Are there any light, fluffy, happy movies that center around wax museums?  1:  ...No...  2:  Then it's a horror movie.  Later:  girl 1 enters the room where girl 2 is reading a book.  Girl 1 is wide-eyed and frazzled.  1:  It was a horror movie.

Having a building full of uncannily realistic yet distinctly un-alive figures is off-putting enough without the history behind some of the stuff associated with wax art.  You know, like death masks.  And voodoo dolls.  And recreations of disease and anatomy for medical students.  And the "chamber of horrors" which a significant percentage of wax museums possess. 
Honestly, it would be a lot weirder if there weren't any horror movies involving them. 

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