Friday, December 27, 2019

Present Pass

Christmas Eve:  Underling:  You're hanging up a stocking?  I'm pretty sure Santa's just going to give you coal.  Super-Villain:  Oh, I'm counting on it.  I need coal for my plan to conquer the planet, and I'm sure I've earned lots of it.  The Next Morning...  Villain:  ...wilted Brussels sprouts and a Webern 8-track.  Underling:  Ooh, he's good.

He may be self-aware, but he's still a step behind.

From what I understand, the thing with Santa giving coal out to naughty children originated simply as a matter of convenience:  Santa fills stockings over the fireplace with goodies, and comes to one belonging to a poorly-behaved individual.  What to give them?  Oh, is that a coal bin by the fireplace?  Yeah, that'll do.  These days he's probably more likely to use some old corn chips he fished out from between the couch cushions.  Exceptions might be made for notorious repeat offenders.  Those require something... special.

If you're wondering about Webern (that's "Vay-burn"), he's a composer who specialized in atonal and twelve-tone "music."  Generally only music majors ever hear of him, and of those only about 1.2% actually like his work (and this is a generous estimate). 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Pageant Tangent

Santa Claus (in Sinterklaas mode):  Before we begin our annual North Pole Nativity Pageant, I'd like to make it clear that once again, despite Pete's excessive requests, Herod and his excruciating death will not be in the play.  Black Pete:  But there's so much karma to be had!

There's always that one guy.

If you were wondering about how Herod died, let's just say that he got sick.  Really, really sick.  Exactly with what is up for debate, but the symptoms were nasty enough that I shall decline to elaborate.  But he really, really had it coming. 

    Friday, December 13, 2019


    A flustered mall Santa rushes into a back room, slamming the door behind him.  His hat and (fake) beard are askew.  Mall worker:  Are you okay?  Mall Santa:  I'm getting eaten alive out there!  I think there's more kids here than the population of New York!  Santa (off-camera):  Perhaps we can be of assistance.  Superhero-like shot of Santa and his crew, with a banner proclaiming "The Real Santa!"  Mall Santa:  You're a saint.  Santa:  Canonized.  Final panel shows Santa, Mrs. Claus, Snegurochka, and Grandfather Frost each handling a line of kids.  Black Pete also tries to start a line, but the kids are understandably wary, as his sign reads, "Black Pete, who totally won't sic a polar bear on you if you're naughty."

    Honorary Santas sometimes need help too.  Though maybe not from Black Pete. 

    Note:  Today's comic incomplete at present, due to technical difficulties. 
    Edit:  100% completion achieved.  I can go to bed now! 

    Friday, December 6, 2019


    Erin's brother organizes the Christmas ornaments.  Bro:  These guys are fighting... and over here they've formed a band!  Erin:  And you're doing what with the wisemen?  Bro:  Mwa-ha-ha.

    When decorating the Christmas tree, my sisters and I try to maximize sparkles and happiness.  A certain brother of mine has a ...different method of organizing things.  He claims to have no memory of doing this.  This was last year, by the way.