Friday, December 13, 2019


A flustered mall Santa rushes into a back room, slamming the door behind him.  His hat and (fake) beard are askew.  Mall worker:  Are you okay?  Mall Santa:  I'm getting eaten alive out there!  I think there's more kids here than the population of New York!  Santa (off-camera):  Perhaps we can be of assistance.  Superhero-like shot of Santa and his crew, with a banner proclaiming "The Real Santa!"  Mall Santa:  You're a saint.  Santa:  Canonized.  Final panel shows Santa, Mrs. Claus, Snegurochka, and Grandfather Frost each handling a line of kids.  Black Pete also tries to start a line, but the kids are understandably wary, as his sign reads, "Black Pete, who totally won't sic a polar bear on you if you're naughty."

Honorary Santas sometimes need help too.  Though maybe not from Black Pete. 

Note:  Today's comic incomplete at present, due to technical difficulties. 
Edit:  100% completion achieved.  I can go to bed now! 

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