Friday, June 4, 2021

Wonder Waffles

Nazi General:  What's the status of the new wunderwaffe?  *Wonder weapon, or superweapon  Scientist:  Finished!  I'll admit, I was surprised at the request, but I think you'll be pleased.  With this waffle iron, we can make the greatest waffles on the planet!  General:  Waffe!  Not waffel!  Scientist:  Ohh...  Yes, that would make more sense.  Sergeant:  Hey, these are good waffles!

Why the Nazis lost, reason #874. 

Okay, so wunderwaffes were revolutionary Nazi superweapons, so said their propaganda department.  There's a bit from the Wikipedia article that sums it up.  

Historian Michael J. Neufeld has noted that "the net result of all these weapons, deployed or otherwise, was that the Reich wasted a lot of money and technical expertise in developing and producing exotic devices that yielded little or no tactical and strategic advantage".  

And when I first read about them, I kept reading wunderwaffe as "wunderwaffle," and the German version of waffle just happens to be waffel, so it was practically begging me to exploit it. 

If there's a language safe from my puns, I haven't found it.  

Note:  Color will come later.  But right now I'm tired and technology is ornery.  

EDIT:  Color has invaded!  Such as it is. 

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