Saturday, September 9, 2023

Solomon's Wisdom

A Bible discussion turns to the wisdom of Solomon.   1:  Solomon was an idiot. 2:  How so? 1:  He had seven hundred wives!  What kind of moron would think that was a good idea?   Cue several panels showing Solomon mixing up his wives names (and subsequently deciding to make them wear nametags), forgetting whose birthday it is, and ending with all of his wives, in unison, yelling at him for leaving the seat up.   Solomon:  So, Daphna- Abigail:  I'm Abigail. Daphna:  I'm Daphna! Hannah:  Sharis said you told her she's the most beautiful woman you've ever seen! next panel Solomon:  Happy Birthday! Lydda:  Um, thanks, but it's Tzippa's birthday.   Tzippa:  Hi.   Omah:  Honey, we redecorated the throne room! Gitel:  And you will like it, or else! next panel All the wives:  You left the seat up!!!

When God gives you wisdom, He kind of expects you to use it.  And if you don't, well... 

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