Saturday, October 8, 2011

Death and Hel

Grim Reaper appears to man in bed: Hi, Eddie  Eddie: Gah  You're the Grim Reaper  Grim: Brilliant surmise  Let's go  Eddie: No, please  I'm not ready  Grim: That's what they all say  Eddie: You can't take me yet  Who will take care of my Chia Pet collection, or count all the tiles on the kitchen ceiling, or polish my prize lint collection, or take my slinky for a walk, or brush me  Grim sighs  Hel: Hey, there  Grim: Oh  Hi, Hel  What are you doing here  Eddie: Think of the slinky  My poor beloved slinky  How on earth can you be so cruel  She can't survive a day without me  Who will take care of her  Oh precious slinky, no one can love you like I do  Hel: Things are a little slow at my place  What about you  Eddie: There must be a way to get you to give me more time  Um, I can give you my entire collection of exotic jelly beans  I know  I can cook for you for a month  No  A year  Please, please, please, please, please  Grim: The ususal  Hel: I see  Eddie: I won't do it  I won't go into the light  You can't make me  Well, I guess you could, but you seem like a reasonable guy  Can't we work this out  We could settle this over a game of Candy Land  Or Monopoly  All I ever wanted to do was learn how to play the kazoo  I swear I'll  Hel freezes him  Grim: I wish you'd stop doing that  Hel: It shut him up, didn't it

It's October, as in the month of Halloween.  Since I already do Halloween-esque cartoons during most of the year (such as ones involving vampires), I thought I'd do something a little different this month.  So for the next few weeks, you get to see what happens when the embodiments of Death from different cultures run into each other.  And if I somehow offend someone by doing this, then I'll apologize in advance. 

Here we have the Grim Reaper, of course,  and Hel (yes, that's her name), the Norse goddess of the underworld, which in this mythology is basically an ice cave.  She enjoys turning her underlings into popsicles.

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