Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hades' Lament

Hades: It's not fair  Anubis: Here we go again  Hades: I mean, you're  lord of the Underworld, and no one ever gave you a hard time  It's Set who's the bad guy  And people are busy worrying about Loki, so they never bother Hel either  Hel plays cards with Sedna and the Grim Reaper: Hey, you get a planetoid named after you  Don't complain  Hades: I'm not even the one who goes around collecting souls  That's Thanatos' job  Hel: Speaking of which, where is he  Freya: Went to pick up a movie  La Calavera Catrina: Oh, stop taking it so personally  Humans are just lazy and like shortcuts for instant bad guys  Hades: If you say so  It's just that there are hundreds of Greek monsters and bad-tempered gods to choose from instead, so why am I always the bad guy  Thanatos walks in holding a DVD: Hey, guys  I just picked up the remake of Clash of the Titans  Hades screams  Sedna: You just had to do that  Thanatos: Heh  Oops  Freya phone calls: Hey Persephone, could you come pick up your husband  Please
The problem with being a god of death is that you're an easy target for bad guy status. 
The problem with being immortal is that all your friends have heard your complaints already. 

Featured here are Hades/Pluto, Anubis, Freya, Hel, The Grim Reaper, Sedna, La Calavera Catrina, and Thanatos.  I thought about adding a few more, but not today.  I need sleep.

P.S.  Yes, that movie was dreadful.  Spiffy new CGI graphics does not a good movie make. 
Plus they screwed up the Greek myths.  Again.

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