Saturday, October 22, 2011

New Arrivals, Old Rivals

Anubis talks to a spirit: You must be one of the new arrivals  I'm Anubis  I'm in charge of this section of the Underworld  Osiris: Excuse me, but I'm in charge here  Anubis: Hey, I was here long before you ever showed up  Osiris: That doesn't make you the better one  Anubis: I put you together, and I can take you apart  Osiris: I'd like to see you try, dog-breath  They fight, while the spirit ignores them and watches TV
The problem with a culture having a lot of gods is that you have almost inevitably have some whose duties overlap.  And then this happens.  Ouch. 

For those unfamiliar with Egyptian Mythology, this is Anubis and Osiris, which ironically is their Greek names.  They were originally called Inpu and Asar, or something like that.

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