Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year's Night

Unicorn and cat try to sleep while a dog celebrates  Happy New Year  Cat: And I resolve to sedate you next year

This has been a very long week and I am very tired, so in order to preserve some semblance of that thing you humans call "sanity," I decided that trying to draw something funny while unable to think straight was a bad idea.  But fear not, because you get this somewhat amusing and applicable doodle I did a couple years ago.  Happy 2013!  Here's to another year of insanity, half-baked doomsday theories, cat-infested websites, and chocolate.  And maybe sleep if we're lucky. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Joy Ride

Black Pete and elves fly with Santa's sleigh and reindeer as animated snow falls

Black Pete strikes again, this time joined by a trio of elves with cabin fever and some crazy flying caribou. 
I wanted to do something special for Christmas this year, so here it is, for better or worse.  To my family, yes, this is the reason I've been hiding in my room for the last week. 

To everyone in general:  Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Last-Ditch Effort

Letters read  Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas this year is to pass my Calculus class  I've been very good  Sincerelly, Robin Grey  Dear Santa, For Christmas, I just want to pass my finals  However, if this is too much trouble, then some chocolate and a stress ball to get me through the aftermath would be much appreciated  Thank you, Lina Yates  Dear Santa, I really need to ace my Civilization test, and a Christmas miracle would be really, really nice  Pretty please  Love, Ed Johnson  Santa sits in a mountain of letters: Ah, finals week  We meet again  Elf:  So this is why you've been avoiding your e-mail lately  Sir  Twelve more bags just arrived

Santa's inbox is probably in the quintuple digits by now.  Looks like he'll be putting his time-warping powers to good use.  Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

I've just been finishing up my finals for this semester, and then I'm off on break.  And I might have even passed all of my classes.  *Gasp!*  Does this mean I'm actually allowed to get some sleep? 

Nah, must be my imagination. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Thought That Counts

Vampire family at the door, with the daughter holding a plate of cookies  We just wanted to stop by and bring you some treats  Mom: How sweet  Thank you so much  Merry Christmas  Steve: Blood biscuits  My favorite

There are several perils of having vampires for neighbors, and not just from the threat of becoming a midnight snack.  Poor Steve can't catch a break. 

But 'tis the season, so we should at least try to love (or at least tolerate) our neighbors, regardless of their eating habits. 

And before anyone asks, I'm honestly not sure if Steve's mom A) is just being polite, B) is unaware of what's in those cookies, or C) actually likes blood biscuits. 
Though if it's the last one, I deeply pity her non-vampire relatives. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Rules are a Lie

Music Theory 1:  Teacher has chord progression chart stating I love Bach and No parallel 5ths  You must follow these rules exactly when writing music  Bach will kill kittens if you don't  And Major 7th chords are evil  Evil  Music Theory 4:  Teacher is drawing on the whiteboard chaotic music  Today's lesson: Set Theory  Yay Atonality  All right  Sing these chords  Erin: whimper

Have I mentioned before that I'm a music major?  No?  Okay then.  I'm a music major.  Composer, cartoonist, and general starving artist at your service. 

In any case, I tend to run into a lot of rather bizarre stuff.  Case in point, my first-semester theory teachers, who liked to pretend that music had hard-and-fast rules that lasted now and forever.  Then comes Theory 4, in which all the rules get thrown unceremoniously out the window and we learn, as one student put it, how to speak whale. 

It's not all bad weird, though.  Sometimes we have fun.  The other day my teacher discovered this song, which my class then sung on a Christmas caroling expedition to the Theory 1 class.  So to kick off this holiday season, I'll share it with you. 
And if you don't find it even half as funny as I do, well, I won't be mad.