Saturday, February 23, 2013

Unnatural Instincts

Werecats tease a werewolf at the Therianthrope Convention  It's a cute little puppy  Would you like a biscuit  Older werewolf: Don't mind them, kid  They're always like that  Now, if you want to get back at them  Later  Werewolves hide behind a rock and shine a laser pointer  The werecats instinctively pounce on the red dot before they realize what's happening  What am I doing

Werewolves armed with laser pointer = 1.  Werecats = zip. 

In case you don't know, "therianthrope" is the technical term for a were-creature.  Kind of like how werewolves are lycanthropes, werecats are ailuranthropes, and weredogs (yes, really) are cynanthropes. 
Speaking of which, there's a full moon in a few days, so keep an ear out for howling and don't be dumb enough to leave jerky where hungry werewolves can smell it. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Vampire couple sit at a resturaunt table  One has just given the other a present  Aww  You're so sweet  Waiter: Is that a real heart  it is  it's dripping

Happy belated Valentine's Day!  Aren't vampires in love just adorable? 

For a while I considered drawing the actual heart, but I made an executive decision that you, the audience, do not need a virtual ipecac, no matter how revolting some of you may consider the holiday.  For those of you who are disappointed by this, get over it.  For everyone else, you're welcome. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Beyond the Event Horizon

Erin sits at her computer  TV Tropes is eating my life  Of course, I didn't have one to begin with  I have a cartoon to do  And I will, just as soon as I finish reading this page  It's after midnight  It's the weekend, and  hang on  How did I end up with thirty tabs open

TV Tropes (click that link at your own risk) is the black hole of the internet, meaning that it will suck up all your spare (and not spare) time before you even know it's happening.  They are not afraid to admit this.  Addicting?  Heck yes.  Informative?  Unfortunately, also yes.  As someone with an interest in writing fiction, I like to visit this site in order to learn what to do and what not to do.  Except I'll become curious by a link and click on it... which leads to more links... which inevitably leads to the point where the browser tabs I have open at once for this website alone number in the double-digits.  It's like Wikipedia on steroids. 
When I have something important coming up (e.g. finals week), I make it a point to avoid TV Tropes at all costs.  The problem is when I forget that I have something I need to do, like say *cough* yesterday.  Hence the reason why about half and hour ago I realized that there was no way I could both finish the comic I was planning and get some sleep, so I patched together this little gem and posted it here where the residents of the internet can either mock or commiserate with my chronic lack of self-control. 

Hey, at least I'm admitting I have a problem, right?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

T Minus Squeak Seconds

Guy hides behind pillow fort with a phone as a guinea pig wheeks  Hey, Cathy  Look, I know I said I'd take care of your guinea pig, but I think it swallowed a time bomb and I'm seriously fearing for my life right now

Guinea pigs have a sound effect that sounds like a high-pitched alarm.  I know, because my sister has one as a pet.  Apparently the "wheek"-ing means they're excited that their owner is there ...or that their owner isn't there, and this needs to be corrected ...or they're hungry ...or it's four in the morning and they just feel like it. 
...Or their self-destruction is imminent. 

I'm pretty sure my sister's beastie is going to explode one of these days.  And I will not be the one to clean up the mess. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy February!

...Or Purgatory, as my dad calls it.  Given that 33 degrees Fahrenheit is considered warm where we live, this is somewhat justified.  In any case, I'm taking this opportunity to post another of my Birthstone Unicorns pictures, as well as to congratulate anyone who's actually still keeping their New Year's Resolution. 

Well, hope springs eternal....