Saturday, February 9, 2013

Beyond the Event Horizon

Erin sits at her computer  TV Tropes is eating my life  Of course, I didn't have one to begin with  I have a cartoon to do  And I will, just as soon as I finish reading this page  It's after midnight  It's the weekend, and  hang on  How did I end up with thirty tabs open

TV Tropes (click that link at your own risk) is the black hole of the internet, meaning that it will suck up all your spare (and not spare) time before you even know it's happening.  They are not afraid to admit this.  Addicting?  Heck yes.  Informative?  Unfortunately, also yes.  As someone with an interest in writing fiction, I like to visit this site in order to learn what to do and what not to do.  Except I'll become curious by a link and click on it... which leads to more links... which inevitably leads to the point where the browser tabs I have open at once for this website alone number in the double-digits.  It's like Wikipedia on steroids. 
When I have something important coming up (e.g. finals week), I make it a point to avoid TV Tropes at all costs.  The problem is when I forget that I have something I need to do, like say *cough* yesterday.  Hence the reason why about half and hour ago I realized that there was no way I could both finish the comic I was planning and get some sleep, so I patched together this little gem and posted it here where the residents of the internet can either mock or commiserate with my chronic lack of self-control. 

Hey, at least I'm admitting I have a problem, right?

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