Saturday, February 23, 2013

Unnatural Instincts

Werecats tease a werewolf at the Therianthrope Convention  It's a cute little puppy  Would you like a biscuit  Older werewolf: Don't mind them, kid  They're always like that  Now, if you want to get back at them  Later  Werewolves hide behind a rock and shine a laser pointer  The werecats instinctively pounce on the red dot before they realize what's happening  What am I doing

Werewolves armed with laser pointer = 1.  Werecats = zip. 

In case you don't know, "therianthrope" is the technical term for a were-creature.  Kind of like how werewolves are lycanthropes, werecats are ailuranthropes, and weredogs (yes, really) are cynanthropes. 
Speaking of which, there's a full moon in a few days, so keep an ear out for howling and don't be dumb enough to leave jerky where hungry werewolves can smell it. 

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