Friday, December 26, 2014

Don't Follow the Leader

Reindeer on roof try to pull free one that's stuck in the chimney  Santa sticks head out window: And this is why I told you to not try to follow me

This ought to be fun to explain to the house's residents.

I hope everyone had a happy Christmas (or whatever other miscellaneous December holiday you may have celebrated, though Christmas is the best and no, I'm not biased at all). 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas in the Stars

Animated rocket decorated like a Christmas tree

Bonus Christmas Animation!

When you're several light-years away from the nearest Christmas Tree, you have to be creative.  

And if you're heading to the stars, the Christmas Star seems like a pretty good place to start. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Gift from the Heart

Steve and Mel walk through store  Mel: You're looking for a present for your cousin  Steve: Yeah  My mom wants me to be nice to him, but he seems to interpret nice as permission to suck my blood  Mel: And then you wouldn't survive New Year's  Steve: Exactly  So if I can't get him to move out, I'd at least like something that would, er, persuade him to leave me alone  Mel picks up toy deer: Hey, this is cute  Wonder if my sister  Steve: Maybe I could get him a really ugly sweater or something  Phobitron Demon Deer starts screaming  Mel drops it into Steve's hand and hides behind him  Steve: I'll take it  Mel: For the sake of everyone involved, I hope this works
Just in time for the holidays, it's the new Dilettante Co. Phobitron™ model, the Demon Deer!  With its patented unearthly screech, it's guaranteed to stalk around the room and terrorize the living daylights of all those unfortunate enough to stand in its presence. 

When you are forced to share living space with a vampire, sometimes drastic measures must be taken.  Especially if the literal contents of your heart are at stake. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Reindeer Name Games

If Santa's reindeer looked like what their names meant  Dasher, Dancer Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner thundercloud, Blitzen lightning, Rudolph wolf

Just to be clear, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph literally mean "thunder," "lightning," and "famous wolf."  Make of this what you will.

Let me be the first to say that it would be pretty cool if everyone's favorite caribou actually looked like this.  Particularly if they were all like Comet.  Really, is there any part of "reindeer in space" that doesn't sound cool?
Speaking of which, I just found out that at one point there was a reindeer constellation.  Even if it's no longer in use, it's nice to know someone agreed with me. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

The November Gauntlet

November 1st  dog girl pulls Christmas catalog from mailbox  Oh, no  November 6th  store Christmas display  Only 48 more days  I mustn't sing Christmas songs  November 17th  Mother watches Yet Another Hallmark Christmas Movie on TV  I won't play Christmas songs  November 22nd  Sister listens to Silver Bells music on radio  I can't Christmas songs  December 1st, 12:01 AM  Plays piano while singing Ding dong merrily on high, in heav'n the bells are ringing  Mom: I think this could've waited 'till morning  Christmas songs

For music lovers, fighting the Christmas Creep can be brutal.

Personally, I think that the "Christmas Creep" is actually a supervillian, bent on tormenting Christmas-loving souls everywhere by pushing merchandizing earlier and earlier every year.  It would explain so much.