Friday, June 15, 2018

Fair Enough

Evil Queen:  Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?  Magic Mirror:  You want to know who the palest person is?  Queen:  No, the most beautiful.  Mirror:  That's something different.  There's many places where dark skin is considered more attractive.  And then in some places-  Queen:  Just tell me who the most beautiful person is!  Mirror:  Snow White.  Queen:  And the fairest?  Mirror:  Snow White.  Queen:  ...and we just had this conversation why?  Mirror:  Sheesh, just send her to a tanning salon if it bothers you that much.

If you think you can ask an all-knowing magic mirror the exact same question every single day without it getting snarky, you're just kidding yourself.

Color will arrive at some point in the future, once I gain some of that mythical thing called "sleep."  Guess I need to eat more apples.

UPDATE:  There is now color, and while I don't know whether or not it is now considered fairer in comic terms, it's at least a lot prettier. 

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