Friday, June 22, 2018

Noah's Archive

Noah keeps a journal, which includes a log of all the animal-related games his children and grandchildren have invented, all of which were subsequently banned.  As he's writing today's entry, his family plays panda polo.  Day 14 - kids invented badger bowling  Day 15 - badger bowling banned  Day 16 - grandkids invented giraffe jousting  Day 17 - giraffe jousting banned  Day 18 - wife invents cassowary croquette  Day 19 - cassowary croquette banned  Day 20 - grandkids invent leopard lacrosse  Day 21 - leopard lacrosse banned  Day 22...

And they haven't even gotten through the first forty days yet, though I supposed it could be worse.  At least it's not "Pollo Polo."
Now, place your bets on how long it takes before someone comes up with "Cricket Cricket."

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