Friday, August 31, 2018

When the Flowers Talk

A quick overview of the meanings of flowers:  Tulip - "love" (a boy and girl kiss)  Blue Violet - "faithfulness" (an old couple embrace)  Raspberry - "remorse" (a husband brings one as an apology to his wife, who is washing dishes)  Variegated Pink - "refusal" (a girl thrusts it into the face of a guy who's hitting on her)  Rhododendron - "beware" (a girl offers one to her sister's date, while their father sits inside with a scythe)  Corpse Lily - "move to Antarctica immediately if you know what's good for you." (man finds one on his doorstep, with flies buzzing around)

Some fun facts about the corpse lily:
Its scientific name is Raffelsia arnoldii.
It's the largest single flower in the world, reaching over 3 feet in diameter and 24 pounds.
It's a parasite, with the flower being the only visible part outside of the host plant.
It's one of the three national flowers of Indonesia, where it is a protected species.
And most importantly, it smells like rotting meat.  Though you probably already guessed that.

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