Friday, October 11, 2019

Canopic Chip

Isis finds Osiris having a coughing fit.  Isis:  Are you okay?  Osiris:  Ugh, it feels like there's something stuck in my... lungs...  They look over to where his canopic jars are.  Osiris gingerly opens the lid of one of them, and pulls out a cookie, to their dismay.  Isis facepalms, while Osiris shouts to someone out of view.  Osiris:  Horus, this wasn't a cookie jar!  Horus (from off-panel):  Sorry!

Today's snicker-doodle is brought to you by Osiris (mummified King of the Underworld), and his wife, Isis (she-who-wears-a-chair-on-her-head). 

Fun fact:  often, especially in the later years of Ancient Egypt, canopic jars weren't actually used for holding innards - they just kept them around as empty, ceremonial jars.  Which leads to the question of how often people were tempted to covertly stash stuff inside them. 

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