Thursday, October 3, 2019

Data Divide (Special Announcement!)

Some of you may have already seen, but if not, I'm happy to announce that my new story, Data Divide, is available with its soundtrack on Bandcamp!

This is a 75-page graphic novel about Elec (a rare sentient computer program), his mom (a human programmer named Sonia), and a program created by a different lab (who is trying to kill everyone).

Now the bad news is, I won't be putting it on this blog, for several reasons:  first, it's longer than "A Slight Miscalculation" and "Holly's Hallelujah" combined.  Second, I literally spent all summer and then some on it, and given how much stuff I've released for free, I don't think asking for compensation for this one is particularly unfair.
But third, and most importantly, this is a blog dedicated to silliness and happy stuff, and Data Divide definitely falls into the "bittersweet" category (the ending is fairly happy, but given the killer A.I. on the loose, casualties are expected on the way there).  Thus, I can't in good conscience stick it here.

Don't worry, I'll definitely put more stories on here in the future.  In the meantime, here's something I doodled while working on this project, featuring Elec and Lea (a non-sentient program).  It never made it into the story proper, due to time constraints, but I can see it happening:

Lea waves her hand in the empty space where Elec's neck should be, to his irritation:  "Stop that."

Yeah, programs have weird anatomy.

Thanks, everybody!

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