Friday, August 21, 2020

Bison Set

One stupid photographer gets too close to some buffalo, and other people think it's okay and join him.  Person1:  Is it okay to get this close?  Person2:  Looks like they know what they're doing, so it's probably fine.  One of the buffalo notices, of course.  Buffalo 1:  Hey, wanna go bowling?  Buffalo 2:  Yup, seems like a good day for it.  From the buffalo's perspective, the people just happen to be in bowling pin formation.

A brief introduction to sports in Yellowstone Park invented solely to thrust karma upon the heads of obnoxious tourists who yes, were warned.  Many, many many times. 

While drawing this, I discovered that the scientific name for the Plains bison subspecies (a.k.a. the kind that lives in Yellowstone) is Bison bison bison.  I felt that it was important that you know this. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Storm Pixies

A pair of storm pixies lounge on a gray cloud.  Pixie 1:  Huh.  That town looks pretty dry.  Pixie 2:  Yep.  Pixie 1:  Feel like making it rain?  Pixie 2:  Eh... nope.  The second pixie suddenly notices something.  Pixie 2:  Hang on.  Every single car in that parking lot has its windows rolled down.  The pixies exchange glances and grin.  Employees in an adjacent office building cheer at the sudden downpour.  Employee 1:  It worked!  Employee 2:  I'll go get some towels.

An introduction to deliberately jinxing the weather for fun and profit. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Albino Plants

Students and a guide enter a greehouse.  Guide:  ...and here, we have one of the largest collections of albino plants in the country.  Because they lack chlorophyll, they resort to parasitism to survive.  Dr Hellbine has spent the last thirty years researching them.  Student:  Dr Hellbine?  Guide:  He's behind you.  Hellbine:  Good evening.  The students turn around and see that Dr Hellbine is a vampire.  Student:  I have no further questions.

I'm sure some other people have quite a lot of questions, but that's for another day.