Friday, August 21, 2020

Bison Set

One stupid photographer gets too close to some buffalo, and other people think it's okay and join him.  Person1:  Is it okay to get this close?  Person2:  Looks like they know what they're doing, so it's probably fine.  One of the buffalo notices, of course.  Buffalo 1:  Hey, wanna go bowling?  Buffalo 2:  Yup, seems like a good day for it.  From the buffalo's perspective, the people just happen to be in bowling pin formation.

A brief introduction to sports in Yellowstone Park invented solely to thrust karma upon the heads of obnoxious tourists who yes, were warned.  Many, many many times. 

While drawing this, I discovered that the scientific name for the Plains bison subspecies (a.k.a. the kind that lives in Yellowstone) is Bison bison bison.  I felt that it was important that you know this. 

1 comment:

  1. hopefully the name was on purpose and not just the result of a scientist with a terrible stutter :o
