Friday, April 9, 2021

Melodic With a Chance of Bricks

Professor:  Today the school choir has joined us to play through the "chance music" pieces you wrote.  Jake, let's start with you.  Jake:  My piece is entitled "Imminent Head Trauma."  Professor (passing out the sheet music):  And what aspect of chance did you incorporate into the piece?  Jake:  I'll be throwing bricks at the performers.  The chance is the sounds they make as they try to get out of the way.  Professor:  Ah.  Very good.  The performers look extremely concerned.  Professor:  Let's start from the top.  Behind her, Jake prepares to throw the first brick.

 "Chance Music" (also known as "Aleatoric music," from the Latin word alea, meaning "dice") is music either written or performed with elements of chance.  For example, a song written with the notes chosen by the roll of the dice, or one that includes a drawing of a tree in the sheet music, with the performers improvising based on what they think that should sound like.  When learning about it back in my college musicianship classes, my teacher asked us to list a few ways a few ways chance music could be written.  I was sorely tempted to write this one down, but restrained myself. 

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