Friday, April 16, 2021

Nose Mythology

Student:  While not featured as prominently as eyes or hands, noses have played key roles in myths around the globe.  For example, the Guarani people of central South America worshiped Abaangui, who cut off his nose and threw it into the sky, where it became the moon.  In Japanese mythology, Susanoo, the god of storms, was born when the creator god washed his nose.  This was-  Teacher:  Hold up.  What exactly is your report on?  Student:  "Nose mythology."  It was on your list of topics we could pick from.  The teacher looks over the list, and then slumps face-down on his desk.  Student (glancing around nervously):  Unless it was supposed to be Norse mythology...  Teacher:  Curse you, perfectly-spelled typo!  Other student:  So, about my report on "the pantheon of Ancient Grease"...

 Spell-check fails us once again.  

And if you were wondering, yes, those are real myths.  Among others.  Yes, there are other nose-related myths.  You have been enlightened. 

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