Friday, July 2, 2021

Shock and Awe

The goats hide as 4th of July fireworks light off.  Admiral:  Why are they doing this?  Are they insane?  Wisp:  No, there's a purpose.  In decades past, the ancient humans fought against evil spirits, and now light fireworks every year to scare them away and preserve freedom for mankind.  Admiral:  ...Oh.  I guess that makes sense.  Wisp:  Though our people light them in November too.  Brigadier:  Wait, what?!?  Galahad:  Do you blame them?

 Humans can't possibly enjoy bright, loud explosions... right?

Note:  Just to clarify, Bonfire Night is November 5th and involves fireworks, which is what the goats are referencing in the last panel.  Which yes, my family celebrates, because why not? 

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