Saturday, November 30, 2013

Turkey to Success

Husband and wife speak next to rocket  Husband holds tin foil-wrapped plate  Let's do a recap of last year  Following Thanksgiving, we ate leftover turkey for three meals a day, eighteen days straight  Eighteen days of turkey sandwiches, turkey pies, turkey casseroles, and turkey soups  In light of that, preventive measures clearly must be taken  Therefore  You will not  You didn't let me finish  We're donating it to the astronauts  I somehow find that debatable
There's such thing as too much of a good thing.  And then there's too much of a good thing when applied to dealing with too much of a good thing.  And if you're trying to figure out what on earth I just said, well, so am I. 
Anyway, moving on.  If you celebrated Thanksgiving this week, then I hope you had a good one, whether you're here on the ground, up in orbit, or somewhere in between (it can happen). 
And hopefully you will find much more productive uses for your leftovers than this guy. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

A Gumdrop Interlude

I want to start off by apologizing.  My professors decided to dump a bunch of homework on me that's due both before and right after the Thanksgiving break, and being out of the state will make it just a tad difficult to get it all done.  So I'm busy cramming.  However, I would also like to note that I've managed to put out a drawing every week for over two years, so I get some points for that, right? 

I'll try and do a make-up comic when I get a chance.  In the meantime, here's a picture of a bunny-eared tank that my brother made while we were making gumdrop turkeys last year.  Don't ask, because I don't get it either. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


All complaints will be redirected to the soul-eating unicorn. 

Thank you. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Number, Please

Mel calls Steve, while her roommates are doing battle behind her  Steve's answering machine: Hi, this is Steve  I can't come to the phone right now  Given that my mom is letting my vampiric cousin stay over at my place, there's a good chance that I'm currently being drained of my fluids  Crash  No promises, but leave a message, and if I'm still alive I'll call back  beep  Hi  It's Mel  If you're not dead, meet me at Pulsar Pasta at 11 eleven and we can do lunch  I kinda need to get away from my place for a while too

A continuation of this.  This actually isn't too far off from the battles I've seen my own roommates engage in, although in that case they're using nerf guns, and (usually) not outright trying to murder each other.  It makes trying to navigate the kitchen safely even more of a challenge than usual.  Lots of fun. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

CAPTCHA of the Beast

Webpage with CAPTCHA  Security Check  Please enter both words below to continue  666 Beast  Type the text  Submit  Cancel  I don't think I want to log onto this site anymore

A CAPTCHA ("Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart") is a very forced acronym of a phrase that describes precisely what it does.  Machines can't read what they say (ironic, as the tests are created by machine).  Humans, however, can, and also take notice when the words written spell out some very interesting phrases.  If something like this should happen to you, I only have one piece of advice:  step away from the computer and run for it. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

It's What's Inside That Counts

Vampires chomp at Steve's neck  Mmmm, high sugar content  And that's why it's better to wait until after Halloween  Steve: Can I go now

Just something to keep in mind as you're recovering from the annual sugar buzz.  Whether said recovery is needed from your own sugar buzz or from someone else's is up for debate. 

Unless we're talking to anyone who has to deal with my sister, in which case the answer is always "hers."  Then again, that's pretty much a permanent state where she's concerned.  Probably the only reason she hasn't been attacked by a vampire yet is because she either is one herself, or she's just so hyper she scares them all away. 

No, sis, you shouldn't take that as encouragement.  There are ways to fight vampires that don't involve giving everyone else a headache. 


...She's not listening, is she? 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy November!

Here is the penultimate unicorn in the Birthstone series.  Kudos to me for actually remembering to posting it on the first day of the month this time. 
I'll note that this picture is completely unrealistic.  Mountains in this hemisphere have way more snow at this time of year. 
But other than that, I don't see any problem with it.