Friday, November 22, 2013

A Gumdrop Interlude

I want to start off by apologizing.  My professors decided to dump a bunch of homework on me that's due both before and right after the Thanksgiving break, and being out of the state will make it just a tad difficult to get it all done.  So I'm busy cramming.  However, I would also like to note that I've managed to put out a drawing every week for over two years, so I get some points for that, right? 

I'll try and do a make-up comic when I get a chance.  In the meantime, here's a picture of a bunny-eared tank that my brother made while we were making gumdrop turkeys last year.  Don't ask, because I don't get it either. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


All complaints will be redirected to the soul-eating unicorn. 

Thank you. 

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