Saturday, November 2, 2013

It's What's Inside That Counts

Vampires chomp at Steve's neck  Mmmm, high sugar content  And that's why it's better to wait until after Halloween  Steve: Can I go now

Just something to keep in mind as you're recovering from the annual sugar buzz.  Whether said recovery is needed from your own sugar buzz or from someone else's is up for debate. 

Unless we're talking to anyone who has to deal with my sister, in which case the answer is always "hers."  Then again, that's pretty much a permanent state where she's concerned.  Probably the only reason she hasn't been attacked by a vampire yet is because she either is one herself, or she's just so hyper she scares them all away. 

No, sis, you shouldn't take that as encouragement.  There are ways to fight vampires that don't involve giving everyone else a headache. 


...She's not listening, is she? 

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