Saturday, November 30, 2013

Turkey to Success

Husband and wife speak next to rocket  Husband holds tin foil-wrapped plate  Let's do a recap of last year  Following Thanksgiving, we ate leftover turkey for three meals a day, eighteen days straight  Eighteen days of turkey sandwiches, turkey pies, turkey casseroles, and turkey soups  In light of that, preventive measures clearly must be taken  Therefore  You will not  You didn't let me finish  We're donating it to the astronauts  I somehow find that debatable
There's such thing as too much of a good thing.  And then there's too much of a good thing when applied to dealing with too much of a good thing.  And if you're trying to figure out what on earth I just said, well, so am I. 
Anyway, moving on.  If you celebrated Thanksgiving this week, then I hope you had a good one, whether you're here on the ground, up in orbit, or somewhere in between (it can happen). 
And hopefully you will find much more productive uses for your leftovers than this guy. 

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