Friday, March 28, 2014

Like a Broken Record

Doctors escort woman in straightjacket: The automated announcments on the shuttle bus she drove were a little to much for her  Mutters: Tell me to do my job, will you  You and your perfect little robotic voice  You think they couldn't tell which stop we were at  It was stop number three  A blind man could see that  Well I'll show you  I'll crush you and burn you and make you sorry you were ever installed on my bus

This is stop number two.  Please gather your personal belongings, and have a nice day. 
This is stop number three.  Please gather your personal belongings, and have a nice day.  
This is stop number four.  Please gather your personal belongings, and have a nice day...  

Really, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.   

month ago I drew a comic, and the computer ate it.  After recovering from a minor mental breakdown, I re-created it.  So here it is.  Given the subject matter, I'm pretty sure there's some irony in here somewhere. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Three-Second Spring

Girl dances in flower-filled meadow with happy bird, bunny, and deer  It's Spring  Snow starts falling  Aaaand the moment's over

Otherwise known as the reason it took ten years to convince anyone in Idaho that there was any truth behind Global Warming.

Admittedly, we've had some pretty nice weather in my area for the last couple of days.  After getting a snow-and-hail storm on Monday, of course.  It's a good thing I like the snow.
Funnily enough, I've met people around here who were sure we had seen the last of the snow around mid-March, blissfully forgetting that we regularly get snow into May.  Hence why I've made it my policy to be skeptical of all sunshine-filled weather reports until about August.

But then again, who trusts the weather reports anyway? 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Super Spit-Take

Superheroes meet  Pulstar: and I'm sure you've heard of Gigaton  Psychestream: Oh, you mean Super Spit  Flash back to heroes in meeting, with Gigaton, Galestrom, Depthcharge, Triskelion, Pulstar, Flicker, Shadowglance, Electrifly, and Resonance attending  Triskelion: We now have a shot of putting an end to Mad Sphinx's schemes  Our sources say his real name is Mason Springer  Gigaton drinks water  Gaelstrom: Isn't that the guy who's dating your sister  Gigaton does a spit-take, which blasts water across the room, through the wall, and into orbit  Gigaton: That was only once, and it was very justified  Pulstar: I'm guessing your power isn't tact

Super strength comes with a few drawbacks.  Others include accidentally slamming doors too hard and breaking keyboards when you type too fast.  Although to be honest, pretty much any power can go wrong.

I came up with a bunch of superheroes in my spare time, partially for fun and mostly because I need them for a short story I'm writing.  In the meantime, you lucky readers get to enjoy their not-quite-heroic antics.  So without further ado, here they all are (left to right, powers included):

Panels #1, 2, and 9:  Psychestream (telekinesis), Pulstar (light powers), and Gigaton (super strength, of course)
Panels #3-5:  Galestrom (wind), Depthcharge (water), and Triskelion (no powers, but lots of cool gizmos)
Panel #6:  Flicker (super speed), Shadowglance (force fields), Resonance (sound powers), and Electrifly (electricity)

And before anyone asks, the superhero base is hidden in part of a mountaintop weather station. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Dilettante Comics - the other DC.


Oh, come on.  I've waited forever to use that joke. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Orbital Oversight

Aliens hide from vampires  Captain's log  If we get out of this alive, we are never, ever, ever abducting vampires again  Vampires drink alien blood  slurp  Mmm  Lemony

I'd call this karma at its finest.

Now I just have to figure out what would happen if Earth vampires ran into space vampires.  And we all know that the answer to that will inevitably become the basis for a future comic, right? 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

...And We'll Call Him Dante

I once heard something along the lines of "the perversity of the universe tends towards a maximum."  The fact that I'm starting a post with this should probably tell you what's coming next.  Basically, the universe decided that I had used up all my good karma for the week on finishing the RPM challenge in time, so it crashed my art program.  Right as I was almost finished.  And I lost all my work.  And there was wailing and gnashing of teeth, and the heavens wept, and suddenly ninjas attacked, and yada yada yada. 

So... in light of the mood, I dug up an old animation I did of an evil little kitty:

Run for the hills, people. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be spending the next three days in recovery mode.