Friday, March 28, 2014

Like a Broken Record

Doctors escort woman in straightjacket: The automated announcments on the shuttle bus she drove were a little to much for her  Mutters: Tell me to do my job, will you  You and your perfect little robotic voice  You think they couldn't tell which stop we were at  It was stop number three  A blind man could see that  Well I'll show you  I'll crush you and burn you and make you sorry you were ever installed on my bus

This is stop number two.  Please gather your personal belongings, and have a nice day. 
This is stop number three.  Please gather your personal belongings, and have a nice day.  
This is stop number four.  Please gather your personal belongings, and have a nice day...  

Really, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.   

month ago I drew a comic, and the computer ate it.  After recovering from a minor mental breakdown, I re-created it.  So here it is.  Given the subject matter, I'm pretty sure there's some irony in here somewhere. 

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