Friday, December 22, 2017

Capricorn Christmas

A man comes to deliver holiday cookies to his neighbors, only to discover that a goat has climbed up into their Christmas tree.  Man: Hi!  I, uh...  How exactly...?  Woman: Don't ask.

The cats who climb the Christmas tree have been officially one-upped.  Who needs tinsel and candy canes when there's an entire tree to nibble on?

As an interesting coincidence, it really is the time when the Sun is traditionally in the constellation of Capricorn.  Or at least according to the tropical zodiac timeline.  By the sidereal zodiac timeline, it won't be in Capricorn until January.  And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, that's okay.  I had to look it up too.  But either way, it doesn't matter.  Goats can and will happily cause havoc at any time of the year.  Bonus points if they can be adorable at the same time. 

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