Friday, January 31, 2020

Funky Safari

Anni and Andrew return home and find Cory Ander is in their apartment.  Cory:  Greetings!  Andrew (quietly):  Who let him in?  Anni:  I didn't invite him.  Cory:  I've come to assist in the expedition!  Andrew:  ...what?  Cory:  There are fantastic wonders to be found in these bureau drawers!  He opens a lower drawer, accidentally unleashing a cloud of bats, and runs from them screaming.  Cory:  Get them off!  Get them off!  Andrew:  I was expecting him to make a "burro drawer" joke.  Disappointing.  Anni:  I'll clean this mess, but I'll need masking tape, a plunger, and a tape recorder.

Any excuse to wear a pith helmet.

Meet Cory Ander, a cartoon fallow deer buck and the second of Anni Seed's three "cousins."  If Anni is the problem-solver of the group, Cory is the explorer (and a prominent reason why Anni has problems to solve). 

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