Friday, March 1, 2019


A little Martian girl has a tea party with the Mars rovers Spirit and Curiosity.

Just for the record, I did not come up with this idea just so I could make a pun.  Originally I was going to have the Martian girl having tea with just the rover Sojourner (a.k.a. the cute tiny one), but switched it to Curiosity and Spirit so I could have more than one rover at the party, since those two happen to be in relatively close proximity to each other.  I should also note that I was planning on doing this long before news got out that Opportunity, Spirit's twin, had shut down (Spirit itself got stuck in a sandtrap and had to end its mission years ago). 
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is simply a tribute to science, exploration, and the people who think heavy-duty space machines are adorable (which yes, includes myself). 

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