Friday, March 29, 2019

This is the Real Life

Saturday, 8:35 AM:  Finally drag myself out of bed.  8:45 AM:  Come downstairs and find my sister and a baby goat sitting on the couch, watching a horror movie together.  8:45 PM:  Realize that other people might have assumed they were still dreaming and have gone back to bed.

A few of my family's goats recently had babies.  While several of the new kids act like little puppies, the runt of the group has taken this to ridiculous extremes, having managed to get himself essentially adopted by my sister.  He still spends most of his time outside with his real mom and siblings, though, which is good because there's no way a week-old baby goat is going to be housebroken.  Also because I'm still a little worried about the possibility that he absorbed some of that movie.  I rule out nothing.  

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