Friday, December 29, 2023

New Year Loop

Some parents are awakened by a horrific sound at 5:00 AM.   Kid:  Happy New Year! Mother:  What the...  New Year's not until midnight tonight! Kid:  Happy New Year, New Zealand time.  I'm celebrating at midnight for every time zone, so I'll check back in an hour.  Starts walking off.   Father (lurching after him):  I beg to differ.

I suspect that several of this family's New Year Resolutions are going to be influenced by this little incident. 

Friday, December 8, 2023

The Christmas Movie Generator

A person draws a piece of paper from a jar. 1:  And the next one is... "glove." 2:  The Christmas Glove.  We can work with that. Watch the Heartfelt Channel's orginal holiday romance movies!  "The Christmas Lamp," "The Christmas Odor," Glove, Pill Bottle, Eggplant, Butter Dish, Flashlight, Expiration Date, Crematorium, Glue Stick, Scissors, Straw, Battery, Rave...

How to come up with a lot of ideas for Christmas romance stories in a short amount of time.  Not necessarily good ideas, but they're ideas. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

Special Containment Unit

Two guys are struggling to hold a door closed. 1:  I can't hold it much longer! 2:  Just one more minute! A clock switches from 11:59 PM on November 30th to 12:00 AM on December 1st.  The doors suddenly burst open, in a festive explosion of Christmas decorations.   2:  See?  That wasn't so hard.

A spiritual companion to a comic I drew a while back.   And a fairly good visualization of what goes on in my head every year. 

Friday, November 24, 2023

Black Friday Deal

A banner in a library advertises a Black Friday Sale:  Check out any book free with library card! Patron:  Librarians have a weird sense of humor.

And yes, I'm sorely tempted to hang up an ad like this, just see how many people would take it seriously.  

Friday, November 10, 2023


A jellyfish says "If I only had a brain."

 What do you do when you need to draw something completely brainless?  This, of course. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

High School Lesson #4814

#4812:  Don't count on your teacher to accept falling through a trans-dimensional portal in your locker as a good enough reason to miss class, even if it's true.   #4813:  Said teacher won't accept losing your homework through the trans-dimensional portal in your locker as a valid excuse either.   #4814:  Shoving your teacher through the trans-dimensional portal in your locker to prove your point is not the best move.

There's a moral to this story, but I'm not sure if it benefits the student or teacher more. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Rock and Roll All Halloween Nite

Friend:  Now I've seen everything. Andrew:  Well, did you expect them to wear normal Halloween costumes? Shot of Anni and her cousins dressed as members of Kiss.   Anni:  We decided to dress as our spirit animals! Andrew:  Your spirit animal is not Gene Simmons!

He's probably right, but Rule of Funny.   

In any case, we have a cartoon deer with no visible mouth dressing as a guy known for having a long tongue. This out to get interesting.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Questionable Decor

The Death Deities inspect the Sedlec Ossuary, particularly the bone chandelier.   Hel:  I'm not sure if I should laugh or scream. Grim:  Yes?

Congratulations.  You managed to confuse and concern even personifications of Death.  

So this here is Sedlec Ossuary, located at a Roman Catholic chapel in the Czech Republic.  At one point an abbot sprinkled some dirt he had collected from Golgotha over the cemetery, which resulted in a slightly ridiculous number of people wanting to be buried there.  After six hundred years, and after many, many attempts at getting all the bones organized, they finally employed a guy named FrantiÅ¡ek Rint to do the job.  This was a mistake.  His idea of organization was crafting human remains into chandeliers and garlands.  He signed his name to his work - in bones, of course.  And now it forever serves as inspiration for filmmakers who need creepy backdrops.  I'm sure that's definitely what those monks intended. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday, October 6, 2023

Friday, September 29, 2023

Roses are Blood-Red

A florist is outside her shop, carrying in some flowers.  A vampire comes up behind her, she turns around, holding roses.   Vampire:  Your blood is mine-! Vampire (falling down backwards):  Gah!  Roses!  *hack* can't breathe... 	The florist considers this for a minute.  The final panel shows her putting up a sign in her shop reading, "Ask about our vampire removal services!"

For when you need to repel vampires and aren't as fond of garlic.  Hawthorn also works. 

Saturday, September 23, 2023


"...and since phoenixes are reborn from their ashes, using these for construction would allow buildings that catch on fire to rebuild themselves!" "Can we get back to the fact that you want me to build houses out of burning feathers?"

Honestly, if you have enough phoenix feathers on hand to build a house out of, I and probably several governments have a lot of questions for you.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Toga Yoga

A couple of Roman men in tangled-up togas struggle to move, one worm crawling and the other hopping on one foot. Observer:  By the power invested in me, I hereby reject "toga yoga" as a new Olympic sport.

The Romans were so advanced that they created the most impractical clothing possible.  

And before anyone asks, yes the Romans participated in the Olympics, which lasted nearly to 400 A.D.  And they had contact with India, so they may have even heard about yoga!  But probably not like this. 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Solomon's Wisdom

A Bible discussion turns to the wisdom of Solomon.   1:  Solomon was an idiot. 2:  How so? 1:  He had seven hundred wives!  What kind of moron would think that was a good idea?   Cue several panels showing Solomon mixing up his wives names (and subsequently deciding to make them wear nametags), forgetting whose birthday it is, and ending with all of his wives, in unison, yelling at him for leaving the seat up.   Solomon:  So, Daphna- Abigail:  I'm Abigail. Daphna:  I'm Daphna! Hannah:  Sharis said you told her she's the most beautiful woman you've ever seen! next panel Solomon:  Happy Birthday! Lydda:  Um, thanks, but it's Tzippa's birthday.   Tzippa:  Hi.   Omah:  Honey, we redecorated the throne room! Gitel:  And you will like it, or else! next panel All the wives:  You left the seat up!!!

When God gives you wisdom, He kind of expects you to use it.  And if you don't, well... 

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Moose Take

Kid calls on a phone while barricading the door:  Hi, Mom!  Mmm, okay.  Hey, so hypothetically, what should I do if Sadie tie-dyed a passing moose?  Let's say the moose is pretty mad.

I'm pretty sure "hypothetically" is the word that strikes more dread into a parent than any other. 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Composition Crash

Erin gets an email announcing the composition assignment is due at noon.  Quickly prints it out and dashes to the Snow building.  Runs into Stephen. Erin:  You got the email too? Stephen:  What email? Erin:  The one about our composition assignment. Stephen:  No.  That reminds me.  I need to work on it.   Erin:  The email said it's due in about five minutes. Stephen looks at her in horror for a moment, then dashes off.   Erin:  Just keep walking.  He'll be okay.  Just keep walking...

True story from college, courtesy of the Composition Teacher From the Infernal Pit.   You know, I never found out what the fallout for my classmate was. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday, August 11, 2023

Hibiscus Moon

Werewolf on a tropical beach under a full moon with hibiscus flowers

Full moons can be mysterious and spooky, or bright and tropical.  Or both! 

I originally started drawing this as a project for Threadless, but thought people over here would appreciate it too. 

Friday, August 4, 2023

Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday, July 21, 2023

"-at" as in Bat

A series of captioned pictures:  Vampire Bat, Vampire Cat, Vampire Rat, Vampire Hat, Vampire Mat, Vampire Gnat 	A vampire children's book author is shown in his office, while another vampire looks over his work.   Vampire:  Still can't find a publisher to take it? Author:  I don't understand.  They love phonics books!

Obviously it's because he tried to throw the silent G concept at small children.  

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Prehistoric Unicorn

A sparkly parasaurolophus dinosaur with the caption "I am a unicorn"

Unicorns are real.  There's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Physics Need Not Apply

Brother:  Are you watching that dumb mermaid show again? Sister:  It's not dumb! Mermaids on TV:  Oh no!  It's raining! The brother gives her a look.   Sister:  Okay, it's a little dumb.

Raining underwater.  Yep.  Makes perfect sense.  And yes, I have indeed seen this sort of thing in children's television. 

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Friday, May 19, 2023

House Grouse

Things people don't want to hear the day before they move into a new house:   "They found a bear in the bathtub." "There's some odd screaming coming from the basement.  Probably nothing." "The new neighbors just converted their house into a giant loudspeaker." "Your house also moved."

To be fair, the circumstances in which these statements would actually be desirable are very minimal. 

Friday, May 12, 2023


A dragon student tries to secretly roast marshmallows under his desk at school. Teacher:  Then after we solve for x...  Iggy, stop that!

 I have a feeling the smoke alarm gets a workout around here. 

Saturday, May 6, 2023

End of the Rope

An obnoxious girl handling the rope on a piñata keeps yanking it up out of reach where people trying to hit it don't have a chance, even if they weren't blindfolded.  They get revenge when it's her turn to take a whack by quietly lowering it all the way to the ground, while she expects it to be above her head.

 Closely related to the Golden Rule is the Piñata Rule:  "Handle piñatas of others as ye would have them handle yours."  

Friday, April 21, 2023


Some paleontologists analyze the structure of fossilized dinosaur skin, and discover that the Payasaurus arlequinnus had highly unusual colors and patterns.   "So we analyzed the pigment structures in this fossilized dinosaur skin, and...  um..."   "Oh my."

Scientists really have figured out the coloring for some dinosaurs, mostly from feathers.  Though nothing quite this exciting.  

I should probably clarify, that's not a real species.  I was just amusing myself. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023

Just Add Gills

Dolphins to their friend, who's holding some fake shark-toothed jaws:  "We'd really appreciate it if you'd stop pretending to be a shark."

Given that dolphins can take on sharks and win, they really don't need to be any scarier. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

In the Doghouse

A werewolf family has to bail their uncle out of the animal shelter.   A man stands inside a kennel at the dog pound, looking sheepish.   Uncle:  Hi.   Worker:  Your uncle? Niece:  I keep telling him to stay out of trouble on the full moon.

A little easier to get bailed out of than some places.  Just a bit more awkward.  

Friday, March 10, 2023

Trail Trial

Anni does a take on the classic ski-trail-around-both-sides-of-the-tree gag, but using a snowboard. Andrew:  Show-off.

Anni's take on a classic gag.  Slightly more complicated to pull off with a snowboard than with skis. 

Friday, March 3, 2023

Gorgon Rapunzel

Prince:  Rapunzel, let down your -EEK! Extremely long snakes reach down and pick him up.   Prince:  I think I missed something.   Gorgon!Rapunzel:  Friend!

One of Medusa's lesser-known relatives.  She has no trouble reaching the top shelf.  

Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday, February 17, 2023

Friday, February 10, 2023

Deadhead Flowers

Trouble caring for plants?  Skip the middleman and get one of our special Deadhead Flowers™ arrangements!  Models include Spiky Monstrosity, Cat Victim, Mummified Gift Bouquet, and Bug-Eaten.  Models also include Failed Science Experiment, Moldy Chia Pet, Bonsai Attack, Stink Bomb, Petal-Shedder, and Hanging-On-by-a-Thread.

Admire it with the satisfaction of knowing it's supposed to look that way!  

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Joey's Room

A depiction of a kangaroo joey inside his mom's pouch, with posters, snacks, and comic books.

Probably shouldn't be eating in bed.   Oh, well.  At least his mum can share his comic books. 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Fire Cat

Fire Cat Owner:  Hello, Fire Department?  My cat's up in a tree, and I need you to get him down.   FD:  Ma'am, that really isn't our jurisdiction.  I can give you the number for - Owner:  He tends to spontaneously combust.  Aaand, right on cue.   FD:  On our way.

With a pet like this, you can save on heating bills.  Not insurance, though. 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Rabid Vampire

Two people run from some vampires.   "That vampire has rabies.  Don't let him bite you!" "Are you implying there are circumstances where I'd want to be bitten by a vampire?"

Admittedly, with some vampires it's hard to tell the difference.  

Friday, January 6, 2023