Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year-End Bonus

Santa Claus: Are we all here  Good  Let's proceed with the business, then  Santa pours out a bag filled with cookies onto a table, surrounded by Mrs Claus, Black Pete, Knecht Ruprecht, Jack Frost, La Befana, Olentzero, Krampus, Christkind, and the Three Kings  King: Dividing up the cookies  Befana: You saved some pecan cookies this time, right  Pete: Why are Befana and the Wise Guys getting some  They don't work 'till Epiphany  Ruprecht: So they can get some before you eat them all

What, you thought Santa was going to eat all those cookies by himself?

Here, we have pictured Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Black Pete, the Three Kings, Christkind, Knecht Ruprecht, Jack Frost, Krampus, Olentzero, and La Befana, which all help out with Christmas one way or another.  I was tempted to add in the Yule Lads as well, but given that there are thirteen of them and my hand was cramping up, I decided not to.  Same reason for not putting in any elves or reindeer.  Don't worry, they still get cookies too. 

And it just occurred to me that it is really weird to see Christkind and Krampus in the same room.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Trap the Halls

Four anthropomorphic cat brothers congregate in the basement, discussing The Plan to secretly look at their Christmas presents:  And remember, the eighth step squeaks  And they we can look at our presents without the parents knowing  Move out  Though it seems like we're forgetting something  Shh  Piece of cake  He opens the door, letting the pots and bells balanced on top to fall with a Bang Crash Clatter  They run back down the stairs: Oh yeah  We forgot that Dad plays dirty  Retreat

'Twas the night before Christmas, and nobody slept. 

This is a work of fiction.  Any similarity to actual cats, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Actual people, however....   *snicker*

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Special Privileges

Santa Claus: Look, Pete  I know you love that movie  I am also aware that manipulating time is essential to our job  But warping time so you can watch The Nightmare Before Christmas 87 times in 24 hours is abusing the privilege  Black Pete sits on the sofa, watching TV: Oh, come on  It's only been 84 times so far

Here comes Santa Claus!  ...and Black Pete, a.k.a. the guy who leaves coal and switches for bad children. 

Before anyone gets on my case, I will say that I am well aware that this is not how Black Pete is traditionally portrayed (he's usually a black guy in a Renaissance-style page costume).  However, this is kind of what I imagined him as looking like before I found out otherwise, so this is what you lucky readers get stuck with.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

O Christmas Tree

Christmas tree salespeople try to sell Hades trees that are black, dead, or burning  Wait, your Underworld lord-ness  We still have more selections that would be perfect for you  Persephone: Er, should I ask  Hades: Next time, you're getting the Christmas tree  Salesperson: So if they're pagan deities, then why are they celebrating  Hades: Just give us a normal Christmas tree already

Some stereotypes are hard to overcome.
What I want to know is, why on Earth did they have a flaming Christmas tree in the first place?

Here we have Hades, Lord of the Underworld, joined by his lovely wife Persephone. 

Don't worry.  They get a happy ending:
Hades and Persephone decorate their Christmas tree

Awww..... : )

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sleep Deprivation 101

Dog wears sock on one hand and brandishes fork with the other  Fiendish lightbulb, you shall flicker no more  I challenge you to a duel  Roommate: You're tired  Go to bed

I, of course, am a mature young adult who has never done anything like this. 


Stop laughing, Mom.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thicker Than Blood

Mel calls Steve: Hey, Steve  How was your Thanksgiving  Could have been better  Oh  You know how there are a lot of vampires on my mom's side  We invited them to dinner  Are you alright  I'm fine  There was so much food that they practically ignored me  So vampires like turkey, huh  We didn't have turkey  Then what did you  Blood sausage  Oh gross  By the way, do you have any extra mouthwash  I'm all out  Steve is surrounded by empty mouthwash bottles

First of all, I would like to acknowledge that blood sausage is apparently a revered dish in some cultures.  If I have offended someone by using it as the subject of my humor, I apologize. 
But I'm not changing the comic. 

Second of all, I would like to express my deepest sympathy for anyone who happens to have a vampire for a relative. 

That is all. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 18, 2011

One Night in College

It's the middle of the night, Erin is trying to sleep, and people are loudly chatting and playing music out her window  I shouldn't kill people  Killing people is bad  I shouldn't kill people, even if I really, really, really want to

There's a saying you often hear at college:  "Good grades, sleep, and a social life.  Pick two." 

I gave up a social life, and I still don't get any sleep.  I have no idea why.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bonfire Mania

A unicorn sets up a bonfire, while his friend watches  So, you're celebrating a British holiday, even though you're not British  Yep  But that does't make any sense  I mean  Wait, are those sparklers  Celebrate Guy Fawkes Night  It's an excuse to play with fire

My family is probably the only one in the state, if not this side of the country, that celebrates this. 
To those of you that don't know, November 5th is the day when the Brits ritually build a bonfire so they can burn an effigy of the guy who tried to blow up Parliament.  And then they light off the fireworks. 

And why did I draw unicorns?  Because I figured that because unicorns are magical, it's logical that there would be some who could conjure fire, which is handy for lighting fuses, and vampires don't like fire much so I couldn't draw those, and...
Oh, who am I kidding?  I like drawing unicorns, and I needed an excuse to stick them into another comic.  End of story.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sugar Apocalypse

Father gears up with supplies, pillow armor, and a cushion fort  Pepper spray, check  Celery, check  Fort, check  Armor, check  Bring it on  His wife comes in with their children, high on sugar after Trick-or-Treating  We're home, Honey

Zombies are nothing compared to a typical child after Trick-or-Treating. 
Yes that's a sofa cushion fort. 
No, I don't think it's going to be enough. 

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

New Arrivals, Old Rivals

Anubis talks to a spirit: You must be one of the new arrivals  I'm Anubis  I'm in charge of this section of the Underworld  Osiris: Excuse me, but I'm in charge here  Anubis: Hey, I was here long before you ever showed up  Osiris: That doesn't make you the better one  Anubis: I put you together, and I can take you apart  Osiris: I'd like to see you try, dog-breath  They fight, while the spirit ignores them and watches TV
The problem with a culture having a lot of gods is that you have almost inevitably have some whose duties overlap.  And then this happens.  Ouch. 

For those unfamiliar with Egyptian Mythology, this is Anubis and Osiris, which ironically is their Greek names.  They were originally called Inpu and Asar, or something like that.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hades' Lament

Hades: It's not fair  Anubis: Here we go again  Hades: I mean, you're  lord of the Underworld, and no one ever gave you a hard time  It's Set who's the bad guy  And people are busy worrying about Loki, so they never bother Hel either  Hel plays cards with Sedna and the Grim Reaper: Hey, you get a planetoid named after you  Don't complain  Hades: I'm not even the one who goes around collecting souls  That's Thanatos' job  Hel: Speaking of which, where is he  Freya: Went to pick up a movie  La Calavera Catrina: Oh, stop taking it so personally  Humans are just lazy and like shortcuts for instant bad guys  Hades: If you say so  It's just that there are hundreds of Greek monsters and bad-tempered gods to choose from instead, so why am I always the bad guy  Thanatos walks in holding a DVD: Hey, guys  I just picked up the remake of Clash of the Titans  Hades screams  Sedna: You just had to do that  Thanatos: Heh  Oops  Freya phone calls: Hey Persephone, could you come pick up your husband  Please
The problem with being a god of death is that you're an easy target for bad guy status. 
The problem with being immortal is that all your friends have heard your complaints already. 

Featured here are Hades/Pluto, Anubis, Freya, Hel, The Grim Reaper, Sedna, La Calavera Catrina, and Thanatos.  I thought about adding a few more, but not today.  I need sleep.

P.S.  Yes, that movie was dreadful.  Spiffy new CGI graphics does not a good movie make. 
Plus they screwed up the Greek myths.  Again.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Death and Hel

Grim Reaper appears to man in bed: Hi, Eddie  Eddie: Gah  You're the Grim Reaper  Grim: Brilliant surmise  Let's go  Eddie: No, please  I'm not ready  Grim: That's what they all say  Eddie: You can't take me yet  Who will take care of my Chia Pet collection, or count all the tiles on the kitchen ceiling, or polish my prize lint collection, or take my slinky for a walk, or brush me  Grim sighs  Hel: Hey, there  Grim: Oh  Hi, Hel  What are you doing here  Eddie: Think of the slinky  My poor beloved slinky  How on earth can you be so cruel  She can't survive a day without me  Who will take care of her  Oh precious slinky, no one can love you like I do  Hel: Things are a little slow at my place  What about you  Eddie: There must be a way to get you to give me more time  Um, I can give you my entire collection of exotic jelly beans  I know  I can cook for you for a month  No  A year  Please, please, please, please, please  Grim: The ususal  Hel: I see  Eddie: I won't do it  I won't go into the light  You can't make me  Well, I guess you could, but you seem like a reasonable guy  Can't we work this out  We could settle this over a game of Candy Land  Or Monopoly  All I ever wanted to do was learn how to play the kazoo  I swear I'll  Hel freezes him  Grim: I wish you'd stop doing that  Hel: It shut him up, didn't it

It's October, as in the month of Halloween.  Since I already do Halloween-esque cartoons during most of the year (such as ones involving vampires), I thought I'd do something a little different this month.  So for the next few weeks, you get to see what happens when the embodiments of Death from different cultures run into each other.  And if I somehow offend someone by doing this, then I'll apologize in advance. 

Here we have the Grim Reaper, of course,  and Hel (yes, that's her name), the Norse goddess of the underworld, which in this mythology is basically an ice cave.  She enjoys turning her underlings into popsicles.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Giraffe Riders

Giraffe Riders in the Sky

There's a lesson to be learned from this:  never draw cartoons when sleep-deprived.  Everything will seem funny.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Beware of Unicorn

Boy pushes a girl  Girl: Hey  My friend will beat you up if you don't be nice  Boy: What friend  Girl: She's a unicorn  Boy: Bwa-ha-ha  What's she going to do, sparkle me to death  Gah  A firey Asian unicorn pounces at him: Should I chase him  Girl: Nah, I think he's learned his lesson

Some people would call this a Kirin, which in modern usage is depicted as a dragon-like Japanese unicorn.  However, they traditionally were more like dragon-deer, and were considered completely different entities from unicorns.  This beastie actually has more in common with the Chinese Sin-you, which was more lion-like, but had the single unicorn horn.  In both cases, they enjoy showing up at courtrooms, where they free the innocent and slay the guilty. 

They're also pretty effective against schoolyard bullies.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Rough Day

Boy walks in the door with a vampire biting his ankle  Don't ask
I myself would dearly love to hear the story behind this one. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Geometry Class

Two honeybees stand in the middle of a room of botched honeycomb attempts  For the last time, honeycomb has six sides  Now let's try this again

I don't think this one is going to pass the final. 

The teacher has my profound sympathy.

Friday, September 2, 2011

High School Lesson #3654

Make sure the girl you like has a reflection before you ask her to the prom

Unless, of course, you don't mind waking up the next morning in serious need of a blood transfusion.  Or unless you're already at least part vampire, in which case I'd say go for it. 

I have many more High School Lesson cartoons on the way, so stay tuned. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Grim Baker

Erin's roommate talks to a boy: I'm going to make a cake for your birthday  What kind do you want  Boy: Er, strawberry, I guess  Girl: Are you sure about this  Roommate: Hey, I've made cupcakes before, haven't I  She mixes the batter, waits for it to bake, and pulls it out of the oven, but it won't come free from the pan  Why won't it come out  Come out already  After prying at it, it drops from the pan in a crumbly mess  Maybe it'll look better with frosting  The frosting doesn't help  She starts piping blue icing on top  Erin: I heard a lot of noise in here  What's  Roommate: Ha-ha  It is finished  She holds up the cake, which reads I'm Ugly  Erin: I've never seen a self-depricating cake before  Roommate: Well, it is
Yes, this actually happened to a former roommate of mine.  My siblings were very disappointed that I never took a picture of the actual cake, so I drew this instead. 

And no, I never heard how the boy in question reacted to this. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pandora's Bet

Misty demon rises out of Pandora's box: I am taxes  Pandora: Bet you fifty bucks that the next one is some kind of contagious disease  Man:You're on  What they don't tell you about Pandora

 Hey, even bringers of doom and destruction to the world and everything in it need a way to entertain themselves. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Vampire Buttercup

A buttercup flower basks in the sunlight, then notices a dark presence behind it  Eek  A vampire buttercup  Mwah-ha-ha  I vill suck your juices  er  The vampire realizes that he's rooted and can't reach the victim  I don't suppose you could lean over this way a little  Uh, no  No one takes me seriously  Did you expect them to  Not really
I actually feel kind of sorry for it. 

On a related note, it turns out that buttercups are toxic.  Go figure. 

Friday, April 15, 2011


On this blog, I will be posting my various comics and cartoons.  As you can probably tell from the title of this blog, I am not a particularly focused person.  Expect a lot of randomness.  So if you like that sort of thing, keep reading.  If not, then run while you still can. 

That is all.